Thursday, 19 May 2011

Knees the knees

I knew that today was going to be hard work, so I got up early and after 4 weetabix, I set off at 6.45. The guide book said it should take about 8 hours to walk the 21 miles to Blakey Ridge. The sun was shining and I was feeling good. After climbing and more climbing I was soon on the high Yorkshire moors. Suddenly the North Sea could be seen away in the distance. "I know" I thought, "now would be a great time to phone Rebecca, Joe and Lucy to tell them how well I am doing".
So, I did just that and it was lovely to chat to them all and tap into the encouragement that came from them all. With a warm glow in my heart, I merrily started to climb down the hill in front of me. Suddenly.... Bang..... It felt like someone had kicked me in the side of my right knee. Another step forward and the pain was still there. I sat down for a while to collect my thoughts. The trouble was that I was at the top of a very steep decent. So, gingerly I made my way down by putting as much weight on my walking poles and my left leg as I could. It took ages and was not pain free. Eventually I reached level ground and limped along the path to a conveniently placed cafe. I ordered a pot of tea and a bacon and egg roll. I put my leg up for about 30 minutes. When I started walking again, the pain was much less and although there was occasional pain, I managed to walk it off. But, my progress was very slow. Instead of taking me 8 hours, I took 9 and a half hours.
Hopefully I will not have a repeat of this tomorrow.
Can I mention all the fun that I have had writing these blogs. I have tried to be accurate and truthful. Also it is wonderful to know that people enjoy reading them. It amazes me to discover that there are 254 people following my blogs. Some I know well, others I don't know, but they know someone who knows me, like Kathryn and Hayley who know my daughter Rebecca.
For anybody who is keeping tabs on how much I am drinking, tonight I have had 3 pints of Wainwright ale to lubricate the gammon and pineapple that I have just devoured.

Just two days to go.

Take care.


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